Know Your Value: 4 Tips to Earning Your True Worth

Know Your Value: 4 Tips to Earning Your True Worth

Stick-to-it-ness - A Powerful Word to Etch in Your Mind Know Your Value: 4 Tips to Earning Your True Worth

Ever wonder why some folks seem to effortlessly make more money while others are left wondering where they went wrong? Spoiler alert—it’s not just about skills or experience. It’s also about knowing your value and owning it with confidence. You (and only you) can change how you’re perceived and paid by never limiting yourself. If only I’d known this decades ago. Oh well, let me share a few hard-won truths with you, four tips that will help you better value yourself.

Tip 1: First Understand Your Worth

Imagine a highly credentialed real estate agent named Kate who, after a stellar listing presentation, is told by her potential clients they’re only willing to pay a 1% commission. Kate accepts this, and soon, they’re under contract. Unsettled about this deal, she confides in Bob, another agent in the office, and discovers that he met this couple but decided to pass. Bob understood his worth, knew the immense amount of work involved in the transaction, and chose not to settle.

Remember this—people want to pay you what “they” think you’re worth or what their budget dictates. You have the right to pass. Knowing and asserting your worth leads to higher-paid jobs, gigs, and opportunities. Not knowing or asserting your worth leads to stagnation and frustration.

Tip 2: Research Your Market Value

According to the Harvard Business Review, “Employees who negotiate their salaries earn, on average, $5,000 more annually than those who don’t.” If you’re an employee of a company, this tip is a must. Do your homework. Know the industry standards for your role. Use resources like salary surveys, job listings, and professional networks to get the 411 on what others in similar positions earn. This information will arm you with the confidence to negotiate.

Tip 3: Embrace Positive Self-Talk

Psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck, known for her work on mindset, states, “Believing in your talents and skills is crucial for achieving your potential.” Start your day with a pep talk in the mirror. Remind yourself of your achievements and strengths. Replace those negative thoughts with affirmations like, “I am skilled, valuable, and deserving of a fair salary.” Feel free to upgrade from fair to fat…why not? This positive reinforcement builds your confidence and prepares you to advocate for yourself.

Tip 4: Communicate Your Value

When it’s time to talk dollars, state your contributions and achievements clearly. Use specific examples to show how your work has added value to your organization or clients. Practice your pitch so you can present yourself like the superstar you are.

Bonus Tip: Never Settle for Less

Too many people do. Know your worth and be ready to walk away if an offer doesn’t meet your standards. This shows that you value yourself and your work, often leading to better offers. Remember—you’re worth it!



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