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On behalf of my staff team and the 250 members at the event, thank you so much! Our event is only as good as the speakers in the room and you definitely brought your A-game!

Get Sticky™ - Mastering Achievement In
Business And Life

In this keynote, Juanita dives headfirst into the powerful synergy of mindset and achievement. Forget the clichés and corporate jargon—this keynote is about practical and time-tested strategies that get your goals to the finish line. Let’s face it: anyone can set goals and write them down, but the trick is getting them to “stick” and working on them until they become a reality. In this keynote, participants will learn Juanita’s Get Sticky™ formula that she teaches to people worldwide.

Whether you’re a business leader, a sales executive, an entrepreneur, or someone with big dreams, Get Sticky™ is your invitation to step out of the ordinary and embrace a transformative experience that promises to be memorable, actionable, and delightfully “sticky.” Get ready to embark on a path toward achievement that’s as unique as you are.

Key Highlights and Outcomes:

Uniquely Crafted Keynotes

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life

Are you ready to set goals? Not so fast. Adopting the right mindset and attitude is your first step to achieving anything. In this fast-paced world, doubts creep in, and unexpected turns are inevitable. Imagine equipping yourself with an invincible shield—an unwavering positive attitude that will not break in the face of adversity. In this keynote, Juanita delivers a game-changing way to reshape one’s outlook that will propel you through difficult times with grace and resilience.

Through captivating storytelling and actionable insights, Juanita demonstrates what happens if you let the “complainer” out of its cage during challenging times. It’s time to quiet that little voice that disrupts our thinking and call forth “The Adjuster” who helps us triumph over life’s hurdles.

Key Highlights and Outcomes: