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3 Prospecting Tips that Open Doors to Success

3 Prospecting Tips that Open Doors to Success

Stick-to-it-ness - A Powerful Word to Etch in Your Mind 3 Prospecting Tips that Open Doors to Success

As someone who speaks on Goal Setting and “taking action,” I want to dedicate this post to hard-working salespeople who are gearing up for a new year. Whether you’re aiming to boost your sales pipeline or grow your association’s membership, it all boils down to one thing – effective prospecting.

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, we need to roll up our sleeves and dive into the core of this art form. You don’t have to like it, but you must do it. Yours truly included.  Allow me to offer three straightforward yet powerful tips to kickstart your journey toward success.

1. Get Organized: Your Foundation for Closing Deals

This is the bedrock of any successful sales strategy. Without it, you’re a ship without a rudder, drifting aimlessly in a sea of opportunities without capitalizing on them. So, what does getting organized mean in the context of increasing our production?

It starts with your mindset. Ahhh…one of my specialties. Approach each day with a clear plan. Set your goals, not just for the long haul but for each day. What do you want to achieve today? Who will you reach out to? What research needs to be done? Then, get your tools in order. This includes your CRM system, your schedule, and your follow-up strategies. An organized worker is proactive, always ready to seize opportunities as they come.

2. Identify and Find Your Target Market

Next, laser-focus on your target market. Casting a wide net might seem like a good idea, but it’s like shooting arrows in the dark. You need to know who you’re selling to, why they need your product or service, and where to find them.

Start by creating a buyer persona ( or a member persona) – a detailed description of your ideal ______(fill in the blank). What are their pain points? Their desires? Where do they hang out online? Are they more likely to respond to an email or a LinkedIn message? Once you have this persona, let it inform you where to prospect. Whether it’s social media platforms, industry forums, or networking events, position yourself where your ideal customers are.

3. Gather Intel Before You Reach Out

Finally, and most importantly, do your homework before you send that cold email. Personalization is not just a buzzword; it’s a necessity in today’s world. Who among us does not get hit with an unbelievable amount of spam on a daily basis that starts with something we don’t need or care about? When you reach out to a prospect, show them you understand their challenges and needs. This can significantly increase your chances of conversion. I read recently that cold emails yield 1% versus personalized email—20%-70%!

How do you do this? Research. Before you hit Send on that email, take a moment to learn about the person on the other end. What’s their role in the company? Have they recently been in the news or posted an insightful article on LinkedIn? Use these tidbits to tailor your message, making it relevant and engaging.

Ready to go?

It’s time to plant. There will be no harvest if you put no seeds in the ground. My mother and father found that out. Every summer, we had loads of vegetables on our kitchen table. Remember, sales is a game of planting seeds. You won’t see results overnight, but with diligent work, organization, targeted efforts, and personalized outreach, you’re setting the stage for a bountiful harvest. Every call you make, every email you send, is a seed planted. So, go ahead and start sowing the seeds of success.




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