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Stick-to-it-ness – A Powerful Word to Etch in Your Mind

Stick-to-it-ness – A Powerful Word to Etch in Your Mind

Stick-to-it-ness - A Powerful Word to Etch in Your Mind Stick-to-it-ness – A Powerful Word to Etch in Your Mind

It’s not a stretch to say this little noun has saved my business life on multiple occasions. Even now, it buzzed around my head to get this blog post done. As I prepare for my next task today, it’ll be there to keep me company, reminding me, sadly, I can’t knock off the clock until everything is cross off my TO DO list. Truth to tell, my signature keynote was designed around its full meaning—determination and persistence, especially despite difficulties. Let it be your secret weapon when the going gets tough with any task, big or small. 

Now, let’s not mix up stick-to-it-ness with plain old stubbornness. Instead, think of it as the cool cousin of perseverance, the trait that has you winking at challenges and saying, “Bring it on!” Unfortunately, I can name a few people who have passed on with an idea that could have changed the world had they just kept going and not given up. 

It was Albert Einstein who famously quipped, “You never fail until you stop trying.” Truth.  And here was a man who knew something about not letting the laws of physics—or anything else—hold him back. His life journey was riddled with setbacks, but his unwavering commitment to “stick with it” changed the fabric of science. Because he stuck to his guns, we’re not just looking at stars—we understand them a bit more. That’s the kind of stick-to-it-ness energy we’re channeling.

Sure, most of us aren’t attempting such lofty goals as Mr. Einstein, but still, the principle remains the same, and the word—stick-to-it-ness—should forever stay etched in our minds whenever we’re even slightly tempted to call it quits. Here are three things that keep me going; let them encourage you as well:

      1. The ‘It’s Been Done’ Mantra. I believe there’s nothing new under the sun. If others have conquered a similar mountain, so can I. And why quit at a hiccup? There’s always a fresh angle or a new approach waiting to be discovered.

      1. Character Development. Long ago, I stopped seeing roadblocks, even setbacks, as problems and considered every hurdle a level-up opportunity for my character stats. Today I’m collecting personal stories of resilience that I’ll pass on, which will help in my line of work.

      1. The Sweetness of Victory. Ahh yes… there’s nothing quite like the taste of triumph, especially when it’s hard-won. One of my close friends calls it the “high-five from the universe for not giving up.”

    So, here’s to sticking to it – not just because we can, but because we must. It’s in our DNA to reach that finish line, and with stick-to-it-ness as our trusty sidekick, we’re already halfway there.

    Keep going, keep striving, and above all, keep sticking to it!


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